The "Dark" side of Christmas
The Right to Become a Child of God
Read John 1:1-18
The Maker of Time Became Flesh . . .
Read Luke 2:1-20
I saw this poem in a church bulletin many years ago. Whenever I read the Christmas story I think of this poem with all of it’s amazing contrasts. Enjoy.
The Christmas Sermon of St. Augustine
He gave us His day of birth in time.
Today Christ is born.
In His incarnation reserved one day for Himself.
God Became man.
For He, Himself, with the Father, precedes all spans of time,
But on this day, issuing from His mother, He stepped into the tide of years.
Glory to God!
Might nurse at His mother’s breast,
That the Bread might be hungry, the Fountain thirst,
The Light sleep, the Way be tired from the journey.
Glory to God, Wonderful circumstance.
The judge of the living and the dead by judged by a mortal judge.
Justice be sentenced by the unjust, the Teacher be beaten with whips,
The Vine be crowned with thorns, the Foundation be suspended on wood!
That Life might die.
Glory to God in the highest!
Mary's song
There really is so little to say about this morning’s passage. I believe it is so beautiful that it stands by itself. Mary visits Elizabeth and becomes so moved she breaks into song. She sings to glorify God’s name. She has a couple lines to sing about her condition but she is so overwhelmed about God that she sings about Him. Look how many lines begin with “He has”. Look at all the things God has done. It’s beautiful.
Luke 1:46-55
And Mary said:
“My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
holy is his name.
His mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation.
He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful
to Abraham and his descendants forever,
just as he promised our ancestors.”
Here is one of my favorite modern songs based on Mary's song. John Michael Talbot is a Christian artist who as he grew in his faith become a monk but continued to compose and perform his music. His community lives in Eureka Springs Arkansas, not far from here. Enjoy his song.
Advent: Let it be.
Read Luke 1:26-38
Advent: Missing the point
Read Luke 1:1-25
- 1. He and his elderly wife are going to have a baby boy.
- 2. His son is going to bring people back to the Lord.
- 3. His son is going to prepare people for the Messiah – meaning the Messiah is coming soon!
Advent: All the Ends of the Earth!!
Read Psalm 22:22-31
will remember and turn to the Lord,
and all the families of the nations
will bow down before him,
for dominion belongs to the Lord
and he rules over the nations.
All the ends of the earth were at University Baptist Church remembering and proclaiming the story of Jesus!
“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
Luke 2:14
Jesus' Psalm
Read Psalm 22:1-8
The cost of needing a savior
Read Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Advent: See and Lift Up Your Voice
Read Isaiah 40:1-11
An Amazing Leader/An Amazing Child
Read Isaiah 11:1-10
Advent with Zeal
Read Isaiah 9:1-7
I pray we all will have that kind of zeal at the birth of Jesus.
Jesus is the Light: Advent Readings
Advent Readings
Advent means a “coming”. Many Christians prepare for the celebration of Christmas by reading daily “advent” readings. The goal of the readings to look at the whole Christmas story. It actually begins in the Old Testament with some prophecy about Jesus and then goes to the New Testament and looks at the events of Christmas and Jesus’ life. Advent always begins four Sundays before Christmas (Dec. 25th). To use this guide read the passage of the day each day and ask yourself “What do I learn about Jesus today and what does it mean to me?”
Week one: Jesus will come
Sunday Nov. 28th John 1:4-5; John 8:12
Monday Nov. 29th Isaiah 9:1-7
Tuesday Nov. 30th Isaiah 11:1-12
Wednesday Dec. 1st Isaiah 40:1-11
Thursday Dec. 2nd Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Friday Dec. 3rd Psalm 22:1-8
Saturday Dec. 4th Psalm 22:9-21
Week two: Jesus has come!
Sunday Dec. 5th Psalm 22:22-31
Monday Dec. 6th Luke 1:1-25
Tuesday Dec. 7th Luke 1:26-38
Wednesday Dec. 8th Luke 1: 39-56
Thursday Dec. 9th Luke 2:1-21
Friday Dec. 10th Luke 2:22-40
Saturday Dec. 11th Luke 2:40-52
Week three: What Jesus did
Sunday Dec. 12th Luke 4:1-14
Monday Dec. 13th John 1:1-18
Tuesday Dec. 14th John 18:1-11
Wednesday Dec. 15th John 18:12-27
Thursday Dec. 16th John 18:28-40
Friday Dec. 17st John 19:1-16
Saturday Dec. 18th John 19:17-42
Week four: What it means to me
Sunday Dec. 19th John 20:1-23
Monday Dec. 20th John 16:5-16
Tuesday Dec. 21st John 16:17-33
Wednesday Dec. 22nd Ephesians 2:1-22
Thursday Dec. 23rd Hebrews 10:19-25
Friday Dec. 24th 1st Corinthians 15:50-58
Christmas day:
Saturday Dec. 25th Luke 2:1-20
(re-read the Christmas story)
Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus?
Brief Reflections on 1 Samuel 12
In 1 Samuel 11 we see Saul, the king the people wanted, step up and actually lead the people successfully. He really shows he is their leader. And he does it well.
But then 1 Samuel 12 comes along and Samuel, their leader and prophetc, confronts the people and their attitude. He defends his time as leader of Israel. He then recounts history about how when the people got in trouble they called to the Lord for help and the Lord provided them with a judge that lead them. This actually is the whole repeated cycle in the book of Judges. The people call out for help and God provides. This is the way it should be, but it’s a challenging way. Each time trouble comes you have to call to God and trust that he will come and help.
I have to raise my support to do the work I do (campus ministry). I am not a superstar of fundraising. In fact for many years I’ve been underpaid because of the lack of funds. I’ve taken classes to learn the right way to do fundraising and I’ve put those practices into practice. Sometimes it seems to help other times not. So because I fail so much at raising money, I pray a lot for our needs. And I have a list stories were God has provided when our funds were gone. Two of the cars I still own are examples of this:
1986 Nissan truck. I’ve had this truck for something like 18 years now! It’s not nice looking but it does what we need it to do. This truck has been a workhorse for us. Many times our “other car” – the family car, has died and we have turned to this truck as our only car. The Nissan came to us in a miracle: Cynthia and I went to the California coast to teach at an IVCF fellowship there. After teaching we went up the coast for a weekend in a friend’s house in Cambria. We brought our new bikes and had a wonderful time enjoying the coast. On Sunday we loaded up and headed home. But on the way home the car actually caught on fire and we had to return to Cambria. Now we are stuck in a small beach town. Cynthia had to get home on Monday and some friends on the coast loaned us a car for her to get home. I stayed in Cambria with our burnt car hoping to get it fixed. I had just my bike to get around (which was actually fun!) On Tuesday I had a meeting at my church back at home that I was going to miss so I called the church and told them my story and that I was stuck on the coast. They replied “Wow, we just had a call from Gary and he has a truck that he has decided he want to sell half his listed price to someone in ministry.” That same day I had got news that our car was beyond repair. So Cynthia came and got me. We still needed a loan to buy this truck so I made arrangements with Gary to meet me at the bank to apply for a loan. Gary showed up and said he didn’t want me paying interest to a bank so he wanted us to make 6 months of payments to him. A great answer to prayer – but it doesn’t stop there! A month later, after our first payment, I saw Gary on campus and he said his taxes worked out better than he expected and he didn’t want me to make any more payments. The truck was ours! And now 18 years later the truck has needed very, very few repairs and is still running (just not stopping so well). We had a need, God answered.
1996 Honda Accord. Much more simple story here. Our minivan was needing a lot of repairs and our family of 4 was relying on my Nissan truck more and more often. We began praying for a new vehicle. A person in our community group, who knew our need, had just accepted a transfer to Georgia that included getting a new vehicle. So he contacted me and gave us his Honda that he had taken great care of. That Honda is still our main family car!
In both cases we had a need, we prayed, and God answered. And I have other stories like this for computers, money, vacations. . . . And yet I still often wonder how much easier life would be if I was rich (won the lottery? Won McDonalds monopoly game? Mysterious rich supporter drops a million dollars off on the front step? ) In reality I’m saying to God, can’t you just give it all to me know so I don’t have to rely on You?
That’s what Israel wants when they ask for a king. They have a history with God that when they needed help they called to God and He provided. But now they want a king so he can always protect them. They want security of a king so it’s his job to provide and he will be to blame. And that is the sin that Samuel mentions in 1 Samuel 12:17. The sin of not wanting to trust in God.
They said “Give us a king so we will be safe, even though you have made us safe many times before”. I say “Give us a million dollars so I can provide for my family without worry, even though God has provided for us many times before.” Both are sin.
Let us all repent and put trust God before we trust man made security.
Follow up: After I wrote the above I was moved to sing the song “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus” so I grabbed my dulcimer and started to sing. But after awhile I thought – “what a hypocrite I am singing this song. I don’t think it’s “sweet” to trust in Jesus. I think it’s difficult”. However it is sweet when God provides (like in my vehicle stories). But then I saw the last line of the song: “Oh for grace to trust Him more”. It is sweet when God provides and I need more grace to find the sweetness in waiting. I then sang a new song we are doing for our Satsang: Hum Bole Prabhu Yeshu nama – I cry out to the name of the of Jesus. And then the last line: Jai Yeshu Nam, Jai Yeshu – Victory in Jesus name, Victory in Jesus. What a wonderful worship time: the sweetness of trusting in Jesus followed by singing about Victory in Jesus’ name. May we all trust more often and celebrate the victories more loudly!
Jesus and Lights
Diwali and Jesus
Yesterday the Friends of India had the Diwali celebration on campus. Diwali is one of the most popular celebrations in India – it is called the “Celebration of Lights”. Chris Hale, from Ardhana, shares on Aradhna's blog a brief reflection from a booklet he read that gives interesting insight into Diwali (his link is
I just received an amazing little booklet of Christ's words in the Sermon on the Mount, in typical North India Bhojpuri poetic style. I've been meditating on them over the last couple days. The booklet is put out by the Mukteshwar Math (Mutt) in Varanasi, where our dear friend, Swami Muktanand lives. The Math and Swami ji are featured in the upcoming DVD, Sau Guna in the songs Holy River and Yeshu Bhajan. I've attached a picture by Michael Wilson, that was taken at the Math. The little booklet is called, Sanatan Guru Yesu Ki Vani (the Word of the Eternal Guru Jesus).
Here is a line for our Diwali meditations. (sorry all you English speakers, skip down to the translation!)
Deep na jala rakein koi neeche
Rakhat sab jan deewat ke unchen
Ho ujiyaar bhavan sab taasen
Mudit banat sab jan tam naasen
Chamke Jyoti Janan bich aise
Chamkit deepak-deewat pe jaise
Lakh jisse tumhare bhal kama
Karei stuti, Prabhu pitu naama
No one lights an oil lamp and hides it somewhere
It is placed for all to see
So that light spreads through the whole house
It makes all joyful and casts off the darkness
So like a lamp stand shining out its light
Let your beautiful works be
They will praise the name of the Lord, our Father
If you aren’t familiar with Aradhna look around their website. They have influenced our Yeshu Satsangs greatly. Many of my favorite worship songs are now in Hindi! Aradhna has a new album coming out soon!
Christmas Fest is coming
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Leaders that lead
Brief Reflections on 1 Samuel 11
Prayer and Expectation
Prayer and Expectation
I’ve been reading 1 Samuel for my devotions lately. In chapter one we are introduced to Hannah, a woman without child. It was a torment to her to be childless (read the story 1 Samuel 1:1-10). So she prayed to God out of her “deep anguish”. Hannah had a desire and she prayed – with earnestness. So much so that the priest thought she was drunk because she was being so animated as she prayed (1 Samuel 1:11-18). She had a passion and she wasn’t going to quit praying.
“It is not by strength that one prevails;
those who oppose the Lord will be broken.
The Most High will thunder from heaven;
the Lord will judge the ends of the earth.
“He will give strength to his king
and exalt the horn of his anointed.”
Are you calling out to God day and night?
Are you praying with the expectation that he will answer?
· For God’s blessing in our fellowships
· For the message of Jesus to go out to unreached corners of earth
· For peace in the middle east
· For world leaders that are considered “despots” to understand, receive, and follow Jesus. (Have you ever prayed salvation for Osama bin laden? Kim Jong-il? Ahmadinejad? Others?)
Olivia Noel Ray
Olivia Noel Ray

John Ray and I actually met in a ministry context before Olivia and Bekah had met and before Jane and Cynthia became friends. I don’t remember why John and I met but I know for quite some time John use to join me in prayer for ministry to international students back when few people were interested in ministry to international students. When my daughter started going to nursery school she met this really cool girl there and they started to do things together. Then my wife and the mother of this cool girl started to do things together. I don’t remember who realized it but at some point the wives and kids discovered that the dad’s had been praying together for some time. At that point our lives became interconnected.